by Scott Benson, Patriots Daily Staff


As you can see, we’ve straightened up the place.

You’ve happened upon a “soft launch” (at my age, I could think of better terms) of a new Patriots Daily design.

Hopefully you’ll like the new approach – rotating feature posts in the top viewing pane (click on the picture to read the full story), and our daily posts stacked neatly down the rest of the page (hit the ‘read more’ link on those).

We’ve also got a cleaned up right sidebar where you can sign up for e-mail updates or subscribe to the podcasts. Links to our favorite sites have been relocated to a menu at the bottom of the page. We’ve streamlined our ‘Categories’ section, which you can find on the top drop down menu bar (along with our Archives).

From my perspective, I like the color better, the font better, and it’s a far cleaner, more organized look. Tip ‘o the keys to my pal Bruce Allen for delivering such an upgrade when he had his hands full already.  

It’s still a work in progress, and we’ll continue to make adjustments as we get used to the new skin. We’d be interested to hear what you think, so please don’t hesitate to leave a thought or two in the comments section.

Scott Benson can be reached at